On some occasions, after you have purchased and registered a domain name, it can appear with a Reviewing status:
This can happen for different reasons related to the keywords that compose part or all of the domain name, such as:
Registered trademarks e.g., selloninstagram.tld
Alternative spellings for a registered trademark or close misspellings, e.g., amazoon.tld
Names of public figures, including alternative or close spellings
Terms that have been reserved by governmental institutions or for security reasons
Some domain extensions (TLD), such as .lt, may require additional steps after registration regardless of the domain name and thus are set as reviewing while the process is completed. This usually takes 24 hours or less.
In case your domain name has been on Reviewing status for more than 24 hours, or if you received an email notification regarding the status of your domain, please get in touch with our Live Support:
If you inadvertently registered a domain containing a trademarked or reserved keyword, we will help you change it to a different domain name of the same TLD at no additional cost
If the domain name does not contain a reserved keyword or you have a license from the trademark holder, include a brief description of the domain’s purpose. If applicable, please provide legal support for said purpose as well (e.g., company registration, licensing agreements, etc.).
For the latter, the reviewing process will take 1-2 business days after providing the documentation. If the domain is still reserved afterward, you will have the option to change it to a different domain name of the same TLD at no additional cost 😊