Learn how to upload and troubleshoot custom fonts in Hostinger Website Builder ✍️
Uploading a Custom Font
1. Within the website builder, click on any text element and select Edit text:
2. Expand the font dropdown, and under My fonts click on Upload. Select a file from your computer to upload:
3. Finally, select the preferred portion of text and click on the new font to apply it:
If you're facing an issue while uploading a font, follow the steps below.
Firstly, check the title of your font file. Remove any special characters (- , . _) from the file name, and upload the file again:
If the font upload still gets stuck, make sure the file you're trying to upload is in the .WOFF or .WOFF2 format.
Normally, you can upload a font file in any other format (e.g., .OTF or .TTF), as the website builder automatically converts it to the supported ones. However, if an unexpected error occurs, the file isn't converted successfully – therefore, it can't be uploaded. A quick solution is to manually convert the font file to .WOFF or .WOFF2 and then upload it again. You can use the Font Converter tool for that.