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Parameters and limits of cPanel email
Parameters and limits of cPanel email

Available resources and limits of email on cPanel plans at Hostinger

Updated over 4 months ago

To keep systems healthy and accounts safe, Hostinger limits the number of emails you can send per day, per hour, and the number of recipients per message on cPanel email:

Email Feature


Number of email accounts


Mail storage limit

10 GB

Max email recipients amount

20 for sending

50 for receiving

Email message size (including attachments)

20 MB for both sending and receiving

Email max defers

5 messages/hour

Max outgoing emails (SMTP + PHP)

200 messages/hour

* Up to available resources you can create as many email accounts as needed within your hosting plan storage and resource limits.

Sending limits

The sending limits apply to the total number of messages sent via SMTP and PHP from all email accounts on your hosting plan, based on your specific cPanel plan:

cPanel plan

Daily limit

Hourly limit

cPanel Silver, cPanel Gold

2400 messages

200 messages/hour

Niagahoster Baby, Student, Personal

2400 messages

200 messages/hour

Niagahoster Business and Cloud Hosting

4800 messages

300 messages/hour

Niagahoster Mail Hosting Packages

9600 messages

400 messages/hour

Once you reach either of these limits, the sending capabilities of your hosting plan will be automatically disabled. To avoid this, especially if you plan to send large volumes of email (like in an email marketing campaign), consider these alternatives:

  • Opt for a Business email hosting plan with higher limits.

  • Use a third-party service specifically for bulk mailing.

  • Get a VPS and manually set up a dedicated mail server.

Deferred email

Deferred emails are messages delayed due to issues like invalid recipient addresses or blocks from anti-spam or firewall protections.

The maximum limit for deferred emails is five (5) per hour. If your account reaches this limit, additional messages will not be sent until the limit resets one hour after it was reached.

To avoid hitting this limit, ensure that the addresses you’re sending to are valid and that you maintain a good sending reputation.

These email limits can change without notice 💡

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