If you use Hostinger Website Builder to create a blog and want to change the date format for all of your blog posts, follow the steps below 👇
Copy the Code
function formatDate(date) {
let d = new Date(date.innerText),
month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
day = '' + d.getDate(),
year = d.getFullYear();
if (month.length < 2)
month = '0' + month;
if (day.length < 2)
day = '0' + day;
return [year, month, day + " "].join('/');
setInterval(() => {
if (document.contains(document.querySelector('.block-blog-list')) && document.querySelector('.block-blog-list-item:last-of-type .blog-list-item-meta__subtitle span:first-of-type').innerHTML.at(-1) !== ' ') {
let randomPosts = document.querySelectorAll('.block-blog-list-item');
randomPosts.forEach(post => {
post.querySelector('.blog-list-item-meta__subtitle span:first-of-type').innerText = formatDate(post.querySelector('.blog-list-item-meta__subtitle span:first-of-type'));
if (document.contains(document.querySelector('.block-blog-header')) && document.querySelector('.blog-list-item-meta__subtitle span:first-of-type').innerHTML.at(-1) !== ' ') {
document.querySelector('.blog-list-item-meta__subtitle span:first-of-type').innerText = formatDate(document.querySelector('.blog-list-item-meta__subtitle span:first-of-type'));
}, 500);
Customize the Code
Depending on your preferred date format, change the arrangement of the values here:
return [year, month, day + " "].join('/');
The example above would return the date in the following format: yyyy/mm/dd
Paste the Code
Within the builder, go to your website's Settings → Integrations, and paste the code in the Custom code field. Then, save the changes and update your website.
The change will be visible in the preview mode and online; it's not visible in the editor.