The guidelines below do not apply to websites created with Hostinger Website Builder 💡
To find your website's configuration file, open the file manager and navigate to the public_html folder. Most configuration files are located there, as it is the root directory of a website.
The title of the website's configuration file name varies depending on the CMS you use:
CMS | File Name | File Path |
WordPress | wp-config.php | public_html/wp-config.php |
Joomla | configuration.php | public_html/configuration.php |
OpenCart | config.php | public_html/config.php and |
PrestaShop | | public_html/config/ or |
phpBB | config.php | public_html/config.php |
Drupal | settings.php | public_html/drupal/sites/default/settings.php |
Bitrix24 | .settings.php | public_html/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php and |
Modx | | public_html/manager/includes/ |
Umi.CMS | config.ini | public_html/config.ini |
ImageCMS | database.php | public_html/application/config/database.php |
Simpla | config.php | public_html/config/config.php |
Piwigo | | public_html/local/config/ |
Shop-Script | db.php | public_html/wa-config/db.php |
HostCMS | config.php | public_html/modules/core/config/config.php |
CS-Cart | config.local.php | public_html/config.local.php |
LiveStreet | config.local.php | public_html/config/config.local.php |
Datalife (Dle) | dbconfig.php | public_html/upload/engine/data/dbconfig.php |
IPB | conf_global.php | public_html/conf_global.php |
Net(Cat).CMS | | public_html/ |
Simple Machines Forum | settings.php | public_html/settings.php |
Dolphin | | public_html/inc/ |
CMS Made Simple | config.php | public_html/config.php |
InstantCMS | | public_html/includes/ |
Media Wiki | localsettings.php | public_html/localsettings.php |
Zen Cart | configure.php | public_html/includes/configure.php |
Codeigniter | database.php | public_html/config/database/database.php |
OJS | | On website root installation |
Moodle | config.php | On website root installation |
Laravel | .env | On website root installation |
Magento | env.php | public_html/app/etc/env.php |
CakePHP | app.php | public_html/config/app.php |
Slim | settings.php | Depending on client configuration |
Typo3 | LocalConfiguration.php | public_html/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php |
Concrete5 | concrete.php | public_html/application/config/concrete.php |
October CMS | .env | On website root installation |
Expression Engine | config.php | public_html/system/ee/installer/config.php |
SilverStripe | _config.php | public_html/mysite/_config.php |
Codeigniter 4 | Database.php | public_html/app/Config/Database.php | | config.php | public_html/includes/config.php |
Dolibarr | conf.php | public_html/conf/conf.php |
Adminer | dbhandler.php | public_html/includes/dbhandler.php |
Symfony CMS | parameters.yml | public_html/app/config/parameters.yml |
Cubecart | | public_html/includes/ |
TextPattern CMS | config.php | public_html/textpattern/config.php |
SuiteCRM | config.php | (root)/public/legacy/config.php |
💡 You can also find the database configuration file using SSH. First, connect to your hosting plan via SSH, then run grep -irl DB_NAME *
or grep -irl DB_USER *
from the website’s root directory—replace DB_NAME or DB_USER with your actual database name or database username.
If you use a different CMS, you can locate the file by following these steps:
Search for files with names like config, conf, or db
Check if there are directories like engine, vendor, or includes
Refer to your developer or to the forums dedicated to your CMS