Social media icons link to the social media profiles of individuals or organizations associated with the website. This allows visitors to connect, follow, and interact with these individuals or organizations on social media, fostering a sense of community and facilitating further engagement outside the website itself. Learn how to use social icons elements in Hostinger Website Builder 💡
Expand the Add elements section on the left and drag the Social icons element to the desired place on your web page:
Click on the element to see more options (edit, duplicate, change the visibility, delete, resize, etc.):
Click on Edit social icons to open more settings. Make sure to add links to your own social media profiles and channels. Otherwise, your audience may get lost. You can add new and remove unnecessary icons and change their style and layout:
Insert links to your social media profiles, and we'll generate the icons for you automatically! For instance, if you insert a link to your LinkedIn profile, the LinkedIn icon will be displayed automatically 💡
To add an email icon, insert your email address:
To add a phone icon, insert the desire phone number without any symbols, as below:
If the link isn't recognized, the icon won't be automatically generated, and you'll see a standard link symbol 🔗
Contact us and share the link you were trying to add: we'll make sure to include the necessary icon into our database as soon as possible
There may exist various link formats for the same social media platform, so the more formats you encounter, the better