You can easily download a copy of your website hosted at 000webhost by following these steps:
Step 1 – Download the Files
Go to the Websites page and click on Manage:
Navigate to the Files section and select the File Manager:
Select the public_html folder, right-click to open the context menu and select Compress:
On the popup window, enter a name for the file that will be generated (you can leave the current name, that is, public_html), and select the .zip file format from the dropdown list.
When all is good to go, click on Compress:
The file will take a few moments to be prepared.
To download the file to your local device
The file will be located on the download path set in your browser.
Step 2 – Export the Database
Go to the Websites page and click on Manage:
Navigate to the Databases section and select the MySQL Databases:
Click on the options button next to the database and click on PhpMyAdmin:
Select your database from the left, then click on the Export button on the phpMyAdmin top bar:
Leave the preselected options of Quick export method and SQL format, scroll down and click on Export.
That's it, now you will have a local copy of your website files and database that you can use for safekeeping or upload it to an upgraded Hostinger plan! 🚀