If an Ad Blocker is preventing you from reaching Live Support, you can try disabling it. Here are the steps that cover most browsers.
Mozilla Firefox
Launch the Firefox browser on your device and open hostinger.com.
Click on the shield icon in the address bar to bring up the Control Center.
Click the toggle on Enhanced Tracking Protection to disable it.
Once the shield icon shows a strikethrough, it is effectively disabled. You can re-enable it at any moment.
Google Chrome
Launch the Google Chrome browser on your device and open hostinger.com.
Click on the padlock button in the address bar.
Click on Site Settings.
Scroll down to find Ads and select Allow from the drop-down menu. You can block them again at any moment.
Launch Safari and open hostinger.com.
Navigate to the menu bar and click Preferences.
Hit the Extensions button.
Locate AdBlock from the extensions list and click it.
Select the OFF button from the Preferences window. You can turn it ON again at any moment.