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How to Manage MX Records

Adding, editing and deleting MX records at Hostinger

Updated over a week ago

If your domain is pointed to Hostinger via nameservers, your domain's DNS zone is also managed from Hostinger.

After making any changes to your domain's DNS zone, DNS propagation starts. Give it some time to complete, and your email service will be up and running smoothly 💡

Add MX Records

To add a new MX record:

  1. Go to the Domains section

  2. Click on Manage next to the domain in question

  3. Open the DNS / Nameservers section on the left

  4. In the Manage DNS records section, select the DNS record type: MX 👇

The Manage DNS records area on the DNS Zone Editor showing how to add an MX record


  • If your domain is pointed to another provider via nameservers, your DNS zone is also managed from there; for instance, if your domain is pointed to Cloudflare via nameservers, your domain's DNS zone is managed from Cloudflare

What Values to Use?

Name (Host)

If you are adding MX records to your domain, insert @ for the Name.

If you are adding MX records to your subdomain, insert the subdomain name for the Name. For example, if your subdomain is support.domain.tld, you should specify support as the host.

Mail server (Points to)

The mail server value indicates the server that manages your domain's email service. You should get this information from your email service provider. For example, these are the mail server values for Hostinger Email:




The priority value in MX records determines the order in which mail services are contacted when sending or receiving an email. Each MX record has a dedicated priority value. The lower the number, the higher the priority. For example, for Hostinger Email, it's as follows:

  • The priority of is 5

  • The priority of is 10


The TTL (or Time to Live) value indicates how long other systems can cache the information about an MX record before it needs to be refreshed. It's recommended to use the default value: 14400 seconds (or 4 hours).

Edit or Delete MX Records

To edit or delete an existing MX record:

  1. Go to the Domains section

  2. Click on Manage next to the domain in question

  3. Open the DNS / Nameservers section on the left

  4. Scroll down to find the MX records in question or use the search bar

  5. Next to each record, you'll find options to Delete and Edit it:

The DNS Zone Editor record list showing how to edit or delete MX records

Now you know how to manage MX records at Hostinger 🎉

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