Deleting files and folders is possible using Hostinger File Manager:
If you would like to delete files and folders with SSH, all you need to do is:
Step 1 - Connection
First, enable SSH access and connect to your account using SSH. Open the directory, where the files and folders, which you want to delete, are located. For that:
command. If you see the needed files and folders, then you can go to Step 2If the needed content is in a subdirectory, reach it by running:
cd path/to/files
where "path/to/files" is changed by an actual path to your files. For example, if your files are located in public_html/new/version1, then the command should be "cd new/version1".
Step 2 - Deleting
You only need 1 command to delete files or folders, just chose the option the most suitable for you:
To delete a file or files:
rm filename.php
rm filename1.php filename2.php filename3.php
To delete a whole folder and its contents:
rm -r foldername/
To delete all files in a directory including files and folders inside of it:
rm -r *
That’s it! Now you know how to delete files and folders using SSH 😊