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Common SSH Commands

Check all the most useful SSH commands in one place

Updated over a week ago

After connecting to your account via SSH, you will require to use commands to perform all the desired actions. Check the topics below for the most commonly used ones - you can also bookmark this page to have an SSH cheat-sheet at hand 😉

Manage Location

pwd (print working directory) – show the full path of the directory in which you currently are:


cd (change directory) – move from one folder to another:

cd directory_name
  • cd directory_name – go to this subfolder of the current folder

  • cd .. – go one directory up

ls (list) – show the list of all files and folders in the current directory:

  • ls -a – include hidden files (which begin with a dot)

Manage Files and Folders

cp (copy) – you can copy both files and folders:

cp copy_what copy_where

mv (move) – same as cp, you may move both files and folders:

mv move_what move_where

mkdir (make directory) – create a new empty directory:

mkdir folder_name

touch – create a new empty file:

touch file_name

rmdir (remove a directory) – delete the folder:

rmdir folder_name

rm (remove) – delete a file; you can mention several files at a time:

rm file_name

grep – find a specific text inside files:

grep -inrl 'text'

find – find files with a specific name:

find . -type f -name 'name*.php'

Manage Archives

Create an Archive

  • Create an archive of specific files:

ZIP: zip filename1.php filename2.php filename3.php
TAR: tar -cvf new-archive-name.tar filename1.php filename2.php filename3.php
TAR.GZ: tar -zcf new-archive-name.tar.gz filename1.php filename2.php filename3.php

Instead of new-archive-name, type the name of the future archive and, after that, specify the exact files that should be included.

  • Create an archive of the whole folder:

ZIP: zip -r DirectoryName
TAR: tar -cvf archive.tar DirectoryName
TAR.GZ: tar -zcf archive.tar.gz DirectoryName

Unpack an Archive

ZIP: unzip
TAR: tar -xvf archive.tar
TAR.GZ: tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz

Manage databases

Import database file.sql to the database_username database:

mysql -u database_username -p database_name < file.sql

Export of database_username database to the file.sql file:

mysqldump -u database_username -p database_name > file.sql
  • For this command, you don't need to create a file beforehand

  • For both commands, in the next step, you should insert the database password

Check Inodes and Disk Usage per Directory

Show the inodes number for every subdirectory of the current folder:

find . -printf "%h\n" | cut -d/ -f-2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn

Show the disk usage per each subdirectory and file of the current folder:

du -shc * | sort -rh

Manage WordPress Websites

Purge WordPress Cache

wp cache flush
wp litespeed-purge all

Replace WordPress Core Files

rm -rf wp-includes
rm -rf wp-admin
wp core download --skip-content --force


backup=WP_`date +%s` && mkdir $backup && mv wp-admin $backup && mv wp-includes $backup && mv *.php $backup && wget && unzip && rm -rf wordpress/wp-content && mv wordpress/* . && cp -rv $backup/wp-config.php .

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