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How to Copy Files or Folders Using SSH

Copying files and folders using SSH

Updated over a week ago

Copying files and folders is possible using the file manager:

If you would like to copy files and folders with SSH, follow these steps👇

Step 1 – Connection

First, enable SSH access and connect to your account using SSH. Open the directory, where the files and folders, which you want to copy, are located. For that:

  1. Run ls command

    1. If you see the needed files and folders, then you can go to Step 2

    2. If the needed content is in a subdirectory, reach it by running the below command where path/to/files is the actual path to your files:

cd path/to/files

For example, if your files are located in public_html/new/version1, then the command should be cd new/version1.

Step 2 – Copying

You only need one command to copy files or folders, just chose the option the most suitable for you:

  • Make a copy of the file:

cp filename
  • Make a copy and rename the copied file:

cp filename.php newfilename.php
  • Move the copied file to a separate directory:

cp filename.php destination_directory/
  • Copy the whole folder and rename it:

cp -R foldername/ newfoldername/
  • Copy the files to another directory and replace the existing ones:

cp -f filename.php destination_directory/

That’s it! Now you know how to copy files and folders using SSH 😊

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