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How to Manage CNAME Records

Managing CNAME records via Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor

Updated over a week ago

You can manage your DNS records via DNS Zone Editor. To add a new record choose the type of record as CNAME:

The Manage DNS records section showing how to add a CNAME record


  • If your domain is pointing elsewhere by NS records, your DNS Zone management is moved to the provider you pointed the domain to and should be managed from there

What Values to Use?

Name (Host)

Name is the hostname for the record, without the domain name. This is generally referred to as a subdomain. The domain name is automatically appended, so you do not need to add it manually.

Target (Points to)

The Target field indicates the destination the CNAME should point to. Make sure to review and confirm that both name and target are correct to ensure that your CNAME record works as intended.


If you haven't received specific TTL requirements from the service where you want to point your domain, you can use the default TTL value of 14400 seconds (four hours).

After making any changes to your CNAME records, consider up to 24 hours for them to fully propagate.

How to Edit or Delete CNAME Records

If you want to apply changes or remove an existing record, go to your domain's DNS Zone Editor and select accordingly:

The DNS Zone Editor showing how to delete or edit a record
  1. Permanently delete a record

  2. Edit a record

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