In case you encounter any errors while connecting to FTP or SSH, you might need to update their password. When you first set up your account, the FTP password for the main domain works as your SSH password as well.
To change the FTP password, open Websites → Manage, search for FTP accounts on the sidebar and click on it:
Select the domain for which you want to change the FTP password from the list:
There, you will be able to update your FTP password by clicking on Change FTP password:
If you change the FTP password of the account’s main domain, it will update the SSH password to the same value - if you are not sure which domain is main, check which domain is displayed near your hosting plan on the Billing → Services page
To change only the SSH password, check this guide: How to change SSH password on hPanel
How to change passwords for additionally created FTP accounts
In case you created an additional FTP account, the password for such an account can be updated on the same page - just scroll down, find the FTP account in question, and click on Change password in front of it:
That’s it! Now you know how to update your FTP password on hPanel 😊
Additional resources:
How to connect to your account via SSH - for Premium hosting plans or above