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Website Builder: How to Create a Blog
Website Builder: How to Create a Blog

Learn how to add a blog to your website using Hostinger Website Builder

Updated over 4 months ago

With the help of Hostinger Website Builder, you can create a blog quickly and easily!

Before You Begin

Before starting, check this simple list of things to decide on:

1. STRUCTURE. Would you like your blog to be the essence of your website or just one of its constituent parts?

You can create a simple single-page website and display all your blog posts within that one page by using multiple website sections.

You may also have more pages on your site: About, Projects, Contact, etc. – Blog being one of them. In general, you can easily insert blog sections into any of your website pages.

2. TOPICS & CATEGORIES. What topic(s) would you like to write about on your blog?

If you plan to cover more than one topic, you may create multiple categories for your blog posts.

3. TITLES. Will your blog have a specific name?

If not, make sure that at least the titles of your blog posts stand out. Check these blog name generators to find the perfect name!

Enabling Blogging Tools

Firstly, make sure a blog module is enabled on your website: within the website builder, expand the Blog management panel on the left. If you see any sample blog posts, it means that your website template already includes a blog section or a blog page. If you don't see any sample blog posts, click Start a blog, and a blog section (with a couple of sample blog posts) will be inserted into your page:

You can add multiple blog sections to your website pages and display different blog posts (by category) in each of those sections. Within the builder, click the Add section button that's between any two sections:

The button Add section in Hostinger Website Builder

From the menu, select Blog and click on its thumbnail. This way, a blog section will be inserted into your page:

Blog section in Hostinger Website Builder

Use blog sections to display your blog posts on your website.

Creating a New Blog Post

Within the builder, open the Blog management panel on the left and click on Add new post:

This will take you to the blog post editor:

Editing a blog post in Hostinger Website Builder

A blog post consists of two main parts:

  1. The header contains the title, description, author, publication date, and reading time of a blog post

    1. You can edit this information in the blog post settings (except for the reading time – it's calculated automatically)

    2. You can show or hide this information in the blog post header settings

  2. The body contains the main content of the article: texts, images, videos, etc.

You can add various sections and elements to your blog post anytime. Learn how to manage blog settings.


Make sure the content is reader-friendly and the website is easy to navigate overall. Keep the design clean and consistent, and avoid using too many fonts. Check if the colors are contrasting and don't clash: for example, keep away from light text on a light/colorful background or dark text on a dark/colorful background. Learn how to change the overlay opacity of the section background or add background color to text elements.

As more than 50% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, remember to check the mobile version of your blog.

To let the world know about your blog, you can share links to your articles on various social media platforms. Before doing so, make sure to add featured images to your blog posts – they'll be visible on social media platforms as link preview images.

With the help of custom code, you can embed third-party integrations into your blog posts, for example:

If you'd like to send newsletters, remember to add a subscription form to your website.

Publishing the Blog

Once you follow all the steps above and your blog is ready to go live, publish your website 🚀

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