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How to Point a Domain to Tiendanube

Pointing a domain to Tiendanube from Hostinger

Updated over a week ago

To point your domain purchased at Hostinger to Tiendanube (Sitelutions), follow these steps:

Step 1 – Add CNAME Record

Go to your domain's DNS Zone and create a CNAME record using the following values:

Host: www

Points to:

TTL: 21600 or leave the default value

Make sure to replace domain with your domain name. If you're not sure about this value, you can verify it by checking the following guide (in Spanish): What is my Tiendanube Store URL?

If you already have a CNAME record for www, you can edit it to match the new value or delete it and create a new one.

Step 2 – Add A Records

First, delete all the existing A records if there are any. Next, add the following two A records:

A Record 1

A record 2

Host: @

Points to:

TTL: 21600 or use the default value

Host: @

Points to:

TTL: 21600 or use the default value

After you specify new DNS records, propagation will start, which can take up to 24 hours to fully propagate. Wait until it is propagated to proceed with the next step.

Step 3 – Link Your Domain to Tiendanube

Go to your Tiendanube Administrator panel and select Settings → Domains. Next, click on Link a new domain.

Enter your domain name, including www, and click on Save domain.

If the records on the previous steps were properly added and propagated, your domain will appear as Active and working with your Tiendanube store.

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