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WHOIS privacy protection

Hiding the domain owner contact details on WHOIS database

Updated over 2 weeks ago

WHOIS privacy protection keeps the confidentiality of your contact details. When you purchase a new domain at Hostinger or claim a free domain, WHOIS privacy protection is included for free for all supported domain extensions (TLD).

New domains

Before completing the order, privacy protection can be checked in the shopping cart to ensure it has been added for free.

Existing domains

To manually change privacy protection status of a registered Hostinger domain, follow these steps:

  1. Login to hPanel

  2. Navigate to the Domain portfolio

  3. Find the domain name and click on Manage next to it.

  4. In the Domain Overview section, toggle the button next to Privacy protection (WPP) to disable or re-enable the feature:

After that, changes in the WHOIS database can take up to 12 hours to take effect.

To learn more about it, refer to this tutorial: What is Domain Privacy Protection💡


  • The WHOIS privacy protection (WPP) option and toggle are not shown for domains that don't support this feature due to restrictions imposed by the registry operator: .ru,,, .eu, .in, .asia, .mobi, .es,, .de, .ca, .nl, .fr, .be, .ch,,,,, .pl,,,,,,, .cz, .se, .nu, .fi, .gr, .ist, .istanbul, .cat ,, .us, .space, .pro, .ag, .am, .at,, .bz, .cl,,,, .cx, .dk,, .la, .lc, .lt, .lu, .lv, .me, .mn, .mx,,, .pt, .sc, .vc, .xxx.

  • For privacy protection of .fr domain names, you may refer to: Complete guide to .fr domains at Hostinger

  • For EU citizens, contact information is hidden by default in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for all TLDs.

  • For Brazilian citizens, contact information is hidden by default in accordance with the LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) for all TLDs.

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