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How to Upload Backups With FTP

Uploading file backups with FTP and SFTP for Web and Cloud hosting plans at Hostinger

Updated over a week ago

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a way to transfer files between computers over the Internet. The FTP protocol is used to upload or download files to and from a remote server, such as your hosting, in a secure and reliable way.


To use FTP, you will need an FTP client. Our recommendation is FileZilla, so make sure to install the client version before proceeding with the next steps 👇

Step 1 - Connect to Your Server

Option 1 - Using FTP

Find your FTP details by opening Websites Manage, searching for FTP Accounts on the sidebar and clicking on it:

The FTP Accounts menu option

There you will be able to see your FTP information, that is:

  • FTP Host: The IP from the FTP Accounts section

  • User: Your FTP Username

  • Port: 21

Next, enter your FTP information on the FTP client and connect to your account. You can find a detailed guide here: How to Connect to Your FTP Account.

Option 2 - Using SFTP

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer files over a secure channel, providing an additional layer of security to FTP by encrypting the data before transmitting it over the internet, preventing unauthorized access.

If you have a Premium or higher hosting plan, you can use an SFTP connection to upload your files. You can find the detailed process in the following article: How to Connect With SFTP

Step 2 - Upload Files

After you connect to your account, open the public_html folder (or the folder where you want to upload files to) that is located on the right side of the screen:

The file and folder structure of your hosting displayed in FileZilla

If you have several sites in one account, the path to the public_html folder may be different:

The public_html folder of a sample domain in FileZilla

On the left side, select the directory or files you want to upload, right-click, and select Upload:

The FileZilla context menu showing how to upload files

Alternatively, you can drag the files from your computer straight to the desired folder on FileZilla.

Once done, you will be able to see the progress live:

The progress bar in Filezilla showing queued files and successful transfers

Once all files are transferred, your backup will be fully uploaded.

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