If you are registering a .br domain (including .com.br, .org.br, etc.), you may get the CPF is already in use. Enter unique CPF message:
This means that the CPF entered has already been previously used. For security reasons, each CPF/CNPJ can only be associated with one Hostinger account. To solve this, you need to register the domain with a different CPF or CNPJ.
It can be that you have another Hostinger account where you've used the CPF/CNPJ for domain registration previously. If you want to use the same CPF/CNPJ for the new domain registration, you should cancel that new domain order while the domain is refundable and create it again on the account with the CPF associated with it.
If your CPF was used on a deleted Hostinger account, you will need to register the domain with a different CPF/CNPJ