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Troubleshooting issues accessing WordPress admin login page
Troubleshooting issues accessing WordPress admin login page

Disabling additional protection on the WordPress wp-admin page

Updated over a week ago

If you encounter issues accessing your WordPress admin area using the default login page (domain.tld/wp-admin), for example, it's blocked, not found or it asks for an additional password, it may be due to an additional layer of security placed on it.

If you need to ensure the /wp-admin is accessible directly, for example, to migrate your website to Hostinger, check the following:

Option 1 - Plugins

There are a few plugins that can protect the login page by restricting access to it, adding 2-factor authentication, or captcha features, such as WordFence, Force Login, WPS Hide Login, among others.

The specific instructions to disable can vary by plugin. As a general rule, you can reach the plugin settings by logging in on your WordPress admin panel, and clicking on the plugin on the sidebar, similar to this:

Alternatively, you can temporarily deactive or uninstall a plugin from the Plugins → Installed plugins page:

Option 2 - .htaccess file

If you have enabled password protection for your WordPress wp-admin page:

You can disable it by following these steps:

  1. Reach the wp-admin folder using a file managing tool.

  2. Open the .htaccess file in edit mode.

  3. Remove or comment these lines:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected 'public_html/wp-admin'"
AuthUserFile "/home/dir/.htpasswds/public_html/wp-admin/passwd"
Require valid-user

To comment out a line, add a # symbol at the beginning. This will prevent its content from being executed 💡

Save the changes, and test it by accessing your wp-admin again, it should load now ask only for the WordPress username and password.

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