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How to Fix Max Defers on cPanel Mail Hosting for Niagahoster
How to Fix Max Defers on cPanel Mail Hosting for Niagahoster
Updated over 4 months ago

Max Defers are two words contained in the error message when the process of sending email fails on mail hosting. For example, the complete sentence is like this, " Domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (5/5 (14%)) allowed. "

The meaning of the message indicates that the email message being sent failed to be sent to the destination email. Automatically the message also failed to be received by the prospective recipient.

Several things can cause the email sending process to fail, such as:

  • Invalid destination email address

  • Destination email MX Record not found

  • Activate the feature to avoid spam by users

The last point means that cPanel can block an account that sends invalid emails many times in an hour. This action can certainly be considered spamming by cPanel. Finally, the Max Defers message appears to stop it.

Meanwhile, some users feel that they are not spamming. After checking, it turns out that the user typed the email address incorrectly, aka typo. However, the user tries to send emails to the typo address many times until finally the Max Defers error message appears.

For that, please follow this technical guide to overcome Max Defers on Mail Hosting.

2. Select the hosting menu – select the hosting in question – then click manage

3. On the dashboard, please click Login to cPanel

4. You will be taken to the cPanel page, type Track Delivery in the search bar at the top, then click on the search result that has been displayed.

Here is the Track Delivery display on mail hosting. The report will appear in the table below. The contents of the table can also be filtered as needed. For example, you only want to display emails that failed to be sent, by clicking the Show Blocked & Failed button

Here is an example of a report showing emails that failed to send. Based on this report, there are several things you can pay attention to, including:

  • Recipient : Is the recipient address correct?

  • Result : This column will describe the reason why the email failed to send.

  • Error Code : Usually in the Result column there is an error code listed. You can check the meaning of the code at this link

    Meanwhile, here is an example of a report showing deferred emails. You can do the same as the previous step. In the Result column, there is an Error Code : 451 Internal resource temporarily unavailable .

    After checking the link listed in the Result column, it means something like this:

    Code | Reason Given to Sending MTA | Description | Recommended Resolution

    • 451 | Internal resource temporarily unavailable

      • Description: The sending mail server is subjected to Greylisting. This requires the server retries the connection, between one minute and 12 hours. Alternatively, the sender's IP address has a poor reputation.

      • Recommended Resolution: These reputation checks can be bypassed with an Auto Allow or Permitted Senders policy. If it's legitimate traffic, modify your Greylisting policy.

    • Message Delivery Status on Track Delivery

      The following icons indicate the delivery status of your email messages:



The system has successfully delivered the message.

Message status is unknown, or delivery is in progress.

The system has delayed the message.

Message encountered a delivery error.

The system has archived the message.

The system rejected and deleted the message due to Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) issues. This may happen if the sending server does not use secure configuration or is listed on the Real-time Blackhole List (RBL).

The email server accepted the message but did not deliver it to the recipient's inbox. This can happen when the recipient's software or email filters block the message.

Now you know the cause of the error message that appears when sending emails on mail hosting. You can check the activity through the Track Delivery tool on cPanel, then find out what solutions can be done.

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