If you request a refund, it is issued to the original payment source, i.e. to the payment method that you used to make the purchase, e.g., your PayPal account or your credit card.
However, some methods that support cash payments, such as OXXO or SPEI (on Hostinger Mexico), do not have an associated account to which the refund could be automatically issued.
In this case, we'll ask you to provide information about your bank account, to which we can issue the refund. To process your refund successfully, we need the following details:
Account holder: the full name of the person who owns the bank account
Bank name: the commercial name of the financial institution where the bank account is located, for example, BBVA, Bancolombia, Santander, etc.
Bank and/or branch number: an identifier number of the specific establishment associated with the account; you can see more about it in the following section
Account number: the full account number; its length may vary:
For accounts in Mexico, the 18-digit CLABE interbank number is also required
For accounts in Argentina, the Uniform Banking Code (CBU) is also required
Account type: the most common bank account types are savings or checking accounts; you can find this information in your account statement or online banking application
If you've purchased services or products from Hostinger Colombia, we'll also need your phone number to issue the refund
Learn more: What Payment Methods Are Available at Hostinger?
How to Locate Your Bank or Branch Number
If you're not sure what's your bank or branch number, here are some ways you may locate it:
If you have a checkbook, it will be printed on your checks
You can find it on your bank statement
Check your online banking application
Browse your bank's official website
If the steps above don't help, contact your bank's support department to clarify about that.
Additional Resources