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Resource Usage Details

Understanding the details of your hosting plan resources' usage

Updated over a week ago

If one or more limits of your hosting plan are reached, you can find more details about that on the Resources Usage page. Once there, scroll down to the More Details and click on it. The list will contain the following:

The detailed list of resources usage on the Resources Usage page
  1. The exact time the limit was hit.

  2. CPU usage at that moment.

  3. Memory usage at that moment.

  4. The exact process that caused the limit to be reached.

Use this information to troubleshoot and/or optimize your website.

Most Common Reasons for Hitting Limits

The most common processes causing resource limits to be reached include filebrowser, lsphp, and mysqld.


This process is related to the file manager, where operations like archiving can cause it to slow down. If you are having any issues with the file manager, you can just try using your FTP client instead. Another option is to stop processes by clicking on Stop running processes at the bottom of the Resources Usage page:

The stop running processes option on the Resources Usage page


lsphp (stands for Litespeed PHP) is the process responsible for dealing with all the PHP files required to serve the content to your website visitors. When this process hits limits, it can appear either by itself or in relation to a specific file:

  • wp-admin.php or admin-ajax.php – this usually indicates that too many plugins are enabled in your current hosting plan. To fix it try:

  • wp-cron.php—This process is executed on every page load, as WordPress checks if certain actions need to be run. A better approach is to disable wp-cron and use the Cron Jobs feature.

  • High CPU usage with many lsphp processes – this can indicate a DDoS attack or just a sudden surge of visitors. It means that the website is not serving visitors quickly enough, and the process count increases or cumulative CPU usage hits limits. To fix it, make sure to optimize your website, and use content delivery network.

  • High CPU and memory usage with few processes – this usually indicates the need to optimize your website, as only a few visitors are generating excessive CPU usage


The most common reasons for the mysqld limit to be hit are:

  • Missing database indexes.

  • Large queries.

  • Several resource-intensive JOIN operations.

All the above can cause your MySQL query to create large temporary tables, which can take up memory, increase processing time, slow down, or even cause a loss of connection to the database server. To solve this, we recommend using our Repair the database feature.

For WordPress websites, you can use a database optimization plugin such as Advanced Database Cleaner. It will delete any unused tables left from previous plugin installs so that fewer resources are used.

In addition, you can build an index and look for any queries that take several seconds or use a lot of memory.

If you have already optimized your website, but the limits are still being consistently hit, it may indicate that your website has grown and needs more resources to handle all the traffic. In that case, consider upgrading your hosting plan.

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